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C.A.I. 'Raphael Freyre', Cuba

C.A.I. 'Raphael Freyre', Cuba

4.956 3

Alexandre Gillieron

Free Account, Lausanne

C.A.I. 'Raphael Freyre', Cuba

Ein vollbeladener Zuckerrohrzug der 'Zentrale' Raphael Freyre, (Holguin Provinz, Kuba) hat sein Ziel bald erreicht. Die bald 80-Jahre alt Baldwin-Zuglok muss noch Einiges leisten...

A full load of sugar cane for the 'Raphael Freyre' processing plant - simply called 'Central' - has nearly reached its final destination. The 80 years-old Baldwin engine will soon end its working day (and the veal would escape on time) !

Photo : Alexandre Gilliéron, 3/2000

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