Cambridge_1 Imagen & Foto | techniques, special Fotos de fotocommunity
Cambridge_1 Imagen & Foto de Annett Crane ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en Descubre más fotos aquí.
The above link relates to a website about Alternative Photography. Under "Processes" you can find all you need for Cyanotype and other alternative processes. There are more Cyanotypes under
Hi Marc,
the scan is ok, the original picture is the same as shown. It's not a normal print on smooth photografic paper. With the cyanotype process you print on watercolour paper, that's why the rough structure.
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Annett Crane 23/08/2004 19:47
The above link relates to a website about Alternative Photography. Under "Processes" you can find all you need for Cyanotype and other alternative processes. There are more Cyanotypes under
Annett Crane 23/08/2004 8:57
Hi Marc,the scan is ok, the original picture is the same as shown. It's not a normal print on smooth photografic paper. With the cyanotype process you print on watercolour paper, that's why the rough structure.
If you are interested: