Car decorated for the wedding party
The car was decorated for a wedding ceremony in the temple Wat Chom Tong in Mae Sariang.
The brandnew car is carring on its loading area donations for the ceremony.
Car decorated for the wedding party
The car was decorated for a wedding ceremony in the temple Wat Chom Tong in Mae Sariang.
The brandnew car is carring on its loading area donations for the ceremony.
Italian Wedding 03/06/2022 17:33
Wow!! Zimmermann 30/01/2021 1:56
das Auto: sauber und farbenfrohVG Horst
Herbert Rulf 29/01/2021 23:38
Die Thai lieben es eben sehr farbenfroh.Vielleicht ist das Pickup nicht nur Transportmittel sondern auch ein Hochzeitsgeschenk.
LG, Herbert
Ralf Melchert 29/01/2021 22:18