2.870 7

Cesar Cintron

Free Account, Ocean Park

Caribbean girl.

You know..... i jus told her to turn around a lil, ....she be the one that started to slowly lift up her skirt.
Im sorry but i am a gentleman and it would not be proper to show the next couple of her frames.
Sorry eh.

Comentarios 7

  • Andreas Florian 02/04/2013 18:41

    Nice Model
  • Zhenya Z. 01/01/2007 9:03

    Sensual lips under to begin a background (or on the contrary?)) It has been conceived specially? Very much it is pleasant!
    ... Interestingly, and she puts on also on the work? Then I was possible shall be written down to her on reception?!
  • Cesar Cintron 28/12/2006 2:29

    Gracias Andy
    , pero como te dije, soy un caballero y ademas no me quiero meter en problemas con ella y sus primos no.
    Sinceramente Cesar.
  • Andy Pomplun 27/12/2006 11:00

    really good shot, seems you caught a natural talent here. Should show more of her, if not the next ones, then the ones before ;)
  • Ioan Farcas 25/12/2006 11:42

    Great work!
    I like your model's attitude
  • Cesar Cintron 25/12/2006 3:38

    Thank u Ray.....
    Hot, Hot , Hot......an to top it off..heh, heh, she be the secretary to a controversial senetor here on the island of Puerto Rico.
    Bueaty an Brains, a dangerous mix.
  • Ray Steinberg 25/12/2006 3:28

    That's one "HOT" model, you have there.
    Nice photo.
