5.596 3


An apprehended Criminal Cat "in the stocks" slyly awaits the hurling by smug villagers of raw fish.

No animals were abused or injured in the making of this photo.

Fujicolor 100

© Steve Ember

Comentarios 3

  • Lourdes Ramos 26/08/2010 12:07

    Owwww, very beautiful...
  • s. sabine krause 03/08/2010 9:06

    : ))) it's the french revolution revisited – what a great pose "being beige" is a curse! you're always overlooked, so i guess you just have to come up with other means to draw people's attention ; ))! this one sure got yours! and he looks so beautiful, in the gentle light and with his "soulful look" and the "hint of a cozy home" behind his back! i've tried taking pictures of cats before, it's SO hard! they always move out of the shot, or start climbing me the very second i'm ready for a portrait ; )). so i'm really amazed that he held the pose for you!! great job! greetings, sabine.