1.057 12

Johannes Ekart

Premium (World), Graz

Céide Fields

Das Ding in der Mitte ist ein, über 5000 Jahre unter dem Moor konservierter Baum, der im Besucherzentrum aufgestellt ist.
... The Céide Fields are the oldest known field systems in the world, over five and a half millennia old. It is a unique Neolithic landscape of world importance, which has changed our perception of our Stone Age ancestors. The remains of stone field walls, houses and megalithic tombs are preserved beneath a blanket of peat over several square miles. They tell a story of the everyday lives of a farming people, their organized society, their highly developed spiritual beliefs, and their struggle against a changing environment beyond their control...

Noch die Aufnahmedaten:
Sony DSLR A 700 + AF DT 11-18 @11mm
1/50" f7.1 @ ISO200

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