Celebrating Otonan
Otonan is a ceremony (ceremonial birthday) carried out in Bali every Balinese half a year which is 210 days.
My close friend I Komang Putrawan father from the two cute girls I posted before their portrait.
More about Otonan:
Otonan means 'birthday'. In Bali, birthdays are calculated by combining urip (values) from Pancawara, Saptawara and Wuku. A 'wara' from eka (one) to dasa (ten) is a count of days in the wuku calendar. So, Pancawara repeats every 5 days and Saptawara repeats every seven days. Therefore, every 35 days, there is the same combination of Pancawara and Saptawara. Because all Wuku count are repeated every 30 weeks, someone’s otonan repeats every 210 days. Such a system is called the Pawukon system which is based neither on the circulation of the moon nor the sun.
Herbert Rulf 04/05/2022 1:34
Tiefer Einblick in balinesisches religiöses Leben.Danke auch für die interessante Erklärung.
LG, Herbert
Ralf Melchert 03/05/2022 9:14
Klasse streetOh Yin Fee aka Hu Yinghui 03/05/2022 7:35
Another colorful, interesting and attractive record of Balinese life and culture. Cheers.