1.030 5

Olga Vasilkova

Free Account, Grünstadt

Comentarios 5

  • Dieter Steudel 28/11/2007 19:38

    wow, your food collection ist quite fantastic.

    Best regards

    (last May moved from Bockenheim to Mutterstadt)

  • Armin Ates 28/11/2007 19:33

    this caviar would even taste me!
    again a well told food-story. so good, i got to check my fridge now ... ;-)
  • André Cis 21/05/2007 17:35

    @ Thomas:
    Die eingesetzte Kochtechnik nennt sich (mit hohem Wahrscheinlichkeitsgrad) "Sferification" ;)
  • gerds rezept der woche 07/04/2007 13:19

    i love it...
    regards gerd
  • Olga Vasilkova 06/04/2007 11:30

    the "caviar" on top is really chocolate. It is made from some choco liquer. You can see it on the black and white shot.