Christmas market
Gingerbread is a term used to describe a variety of sweet food products, which can range from a soft, moist loaf cake to something close to a ginger biscuit. What they have in common are the predominant flavors of ginger and a tendency to use honey or molasses (treacle) rather than just sugar. /Wiki/
CsomorLászló 10/01/2012 19:31
Nyálcsurgató, föleg ha az illatát is érzem-:))üdv
Vera M. Shulga 28/12/2011 22:30
At Christmas is always beautiful and tasty..Gisela Schwede 28/12/2011 20:02
Wie schön! Der Teddy sieht klasse aus.LG Gisela
† Ushie Farkas 28/12/2011 14:53
Appétissant !!! Je l´adore! Amitiés Ushie