Church and Tower of the Clerics
When the ex libris of the city of Oporto(Portugal) was considered by manypeople, this church makes part of thetower with the same name, builtbetween 1731 and 1763, from a projectof Nicolau Nasoni. It was ordered toerect for D. Jerónimo de Távora NoronhaRudder and Sernache, to request of theBrotherhood of the Poor Clerics.
Nasoni, was buried in this church, towhich it dedicated much time anddedication.
The work is a notable example of thesynthesis of the baroque architectureand rocaille of the North of Portugal
It is classified by the IPPAR like National Monument from 1910.
The interior of the church is ovavalizado,and completely in stone, with small(niches) altars in golden carving, and theHigh altar, in escadinha magnificentlyworked in golden carving. The ceiling,completely worked, (sculpted stone, forgreat masters of Oporto).
To visit is worthwhile, and then they canrise to the belfry of the tower andadmire this city there of the top, aregoing to see that they do not go outembezzled with the visit.
noblog 23/05/2021 23:11
sehr schön im Bild gezeigtLG Norbert
Sonja Grünbauer 08/04/2018 20:29
Fantastique++++ Excellente! VG SonjaGelo Charro 06/03/2017 19:15
Buena captura, motivo, encuadre y luz!!!!Espléndido BN.
richardelmas 26/08/2016 22:56
Muy buen trabajo. Excelente b/nMichèle FLEURY 25/08/2016 11:08
Cadrage top pour montrer la perspective sur l'église entre ces belles façades, un N&B de grande qualité, compliments! Amitiés, MichèleJOKIST 19/06/2016 21:54
Ein richtiges WOW - Bild !!!!LG Ingrid und Hans
Mario Siotto 26/05/2016 19:02
*********************Magnifique N&B,j'aime beaucoupAmitiés
TeresaM 26/05/2016 7:13
Très beau point de vue sur la ville & les architectures.+++ pour le choix du NB.
sitagita 25/05/2016 23:35
Very nice view towards the cathedral. Interesting how steep the streets are. Thanks too for the explainations.Kind reg.
NaturPur22 25/05/2016 23:13
Tolle Aufnahmein in sw ...Kompliment! LG Angelikamaria teresa mosna 16/05/2016 16:22
Una meraviglia e un ottimo b/n, ciao MtCharly Charity 08/05/2016 10:58
Wow! Was für eine wunderbare Fotoarbeit!Ganz große klasse!*****
liebe Grüße Dagmar
Chaito Bahamonde 07/05/2016 11:31
fantásticaEwa.P 09/04/2016 17:31
Molto bella inquadratura,bellissima la profondità e il b/n,complimenti,ciao,ewaMario Siotto 09/04/2016 17:26
************************Magnifique N&BAmitiés