Cielo misterioso... / Mysterious sky...
Cielo de Huaraz - Marzo 2005
Huaraz sky - March 2005
Cielo misterioso... / Mysterious sky...
Cielo de Huaraz - Marzo 2005
Huaraz sky - March 2005
Andrew Denissov 25/08/2005 16:09
like itRobert Riley 29/07/2005 19:24
What a contrast to Soledad. Really like thisRoberto Grilli 27/04/2005 9:50
Intersting and nice photo. It gives me impresion of a 'fire' in the forest.Iveth Claros 26/04/2005 16:59
@Jordan:Thanks for your comments! :)
Tim Rüth 26/04/2005 12:09
Ay, y además la tomaste en un cementerio... :SMUAKS!!!
Jordan D. 26/04/2005 7:08
Very nice.Very strange sky.
great color