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Comentarios 3

  • Jens R. Diercks 22/12/2009 11:32

    > I do not know the name of this plant on no kind of language
    Das sind die Früchte der Heckenrose, genannt Hagebutten.
    Do you want to google: hagebutten
  • PI_NO 28/10/2009 21:18

    :( I see 47 clicks on my pic and no critics, it made me sed.
    Karlowna, many thanks for comments, I do not know the name of this plant on no kind of language :D It grow at my home, in Kaiserslautern and after rain it is very very nice.
  • karlowna 27/10/2009 22:21

    schöne zarte Herbstimpression. Ist das eine Berberitze ?