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Colorful chairs

Restaurant "De Twee Provinciën"

Comentarios 4

  • Sanja Kosanovic 25/10/2011 23:23

    I like the light here...
  • Josep Roig 31/05/2011 15:18

    Excelent.Salutacions de Josep.
  • s. sabine krause 30/05/2011 16:05

    very nice!!! but i bet it's a challenge for families with more than one child:
    brother: i want to sit on the turquoise one!!!
    sister: no!! you can't!!! i saw it first!
    mom (with a sigh): pick another color, honey!
    brother: oh, allright: orange!!!
    mom: there is no orange one, sweetie!
    brother: i want ORANGE!! etc. etc. etc. ; )))
    greetings, sabine. p.s.: shh! if noone wants it: i'd go for the red one!!
  • Tatjana Puc Kous 30/05/2011 15:54

    Well spoted!