Coming in Imagen & Foto | street & situation, people and street, man Fotos de fotocommunity
Coming in Imagen & Foto de LadyNoone ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en Descubre más fotos aquí.
Wonderfully imaginative image full of design and a man oddly positioned, giving his shadow a really special place in a complicated array of squares and black/gray lines.
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RonnBeams 07/07/2014 7:56
Wonderfully imaginative image full of design and a man oddly positioned, giving his shadow a really special place in a complicated array of squares and black/gray lines.Jenipher Baker 19/06/2014 11:13
Well seen with the man entering . well done :-)lg Jenipher
Lauro Benvinda 19/06/2014 1:22
The patterns, rocks and textures are enough to make a good image, the man and shadow just compliment it immensely.Adele D. Oliver 18/06/2014 1:28
a strong visual with the repeating graphic patterns and textures and the shadow walking ahead of the man ...greetings, Adele
Lawson McCulloch 17/06/2014 23:42
A wonderfully composed shot that is perfectly suited to wishes,
Zenonas 17/06/2014 18:22
Great minimalism, nice tones and texture. Excellent image.fotoGrafica 17/06/2014 15:35
great shotbest regards wolfgang