Corporate Blues
Corporate Blues - the dark clouds of oil crises, sub prime problems, credit squeeze, and low consumer confidence hang low ... (F11 for full view)
Corporate Blues
Corporate Blues - the dark clouds of oil crises, sub prime problems, credit squeeze, and low consumer confidence hang low ... (F11 for full view)
B-A-U-M-I 25/01/2009 16:52
das kommt ja genial rüber !gruss
Enne See 21/10/2008 17:13
An interesting photo! Urban elements meet nature's action under the influence of a strong perspective or the blue monochromatism. The frame is minimal and geometric (difficult decision, yet well seen and done). The rest of your work is interesting too.Regards, Enne See
Jacky Kobelt 16/05/2008 19:39
perfect !
Vladan Doslic 29/04/2008 10:10
Excellent !Seval Kalin 28/04/2008 20:08
Great...!aw masry 27/04/2008 12:18
Excellent !!Dragomir Vukovic 27/04/2008 10:11
A°°° celle °°° 26/04/2008 18:39
dark with some great impact!Sergio Pessolano 26/04/2008 17:13
Great work.