1.522 4

Comentarios 4

  • Robyn Raggio 31/03/2007 18:02

    This is lovely. She is a compelling model--from the tilt of the head to the empty cage held gently with her little finger. Comp is well seen, DOF defining and the light-although flat-works quite well in this instance. Colors are rich yet natural.
  • Csaba Masznyik 31/03/2007 17:37

    Very thought-provoking photo about this girl.
    The nice, clear, but sad face, her thin, almost sickly body with the empty bird-cage is elementary...
    The background and the positioning of the "model" is perfect.
    I will remember this picture for a long time...
  • Kombizz Kashani 16/02/2007 15:55

    Oh, my God what happened to that little bird ?

    A very beautiful image of that sweet young girl with good lighting and expression and happy colors
  • Dik Mece 16/02/2007 15:26
