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Zac Cutler

Free Account, Columbia


Nikon D70, 18-70mm, Photoshop for b/w, and me standing slightly off center... oops, but shhhh! :)

Comentarios 2

  • Zac Cutler 16/02/2005 1:26

    Thanks Manni, I must say, your english is far better than my German!
  • Mandy Wockenfuß 15/02/2005 18:49

    The bridge und the way behind it doesn't seam to end. Seams to be endless. I like the trees around scaffolding of steel. But my absolut favourite in this pic is the top of the bridge. It seams to be a construction of stars. I hope, you can understand, what I mean, because my German is better than my Englisch ;o)

    greez, Manni