Cytadela Poznan
Mitten in Poznan, eine etwas höher gelegene sehr grosse Parkanlage, die mit ihrer Geschichte bis zum 19 Jahrhundert zurückreicht. Das Panorama zeigt etwa 1/6 der Anlage.
In 'Poznan Life' findet man Folgendes:
"A fifteen minute walk from Stary Rynek will lead you to the Citadel: a vast park popular with the locals for various outdoor activities. Originally the Citadel was a vineyard over which, in the early 19th century, the Prussians built a huge fortress. The fortress was destroyed in 1945 and only a few pieces of it remain. On the southern side of the park you'll find cemeteries for Polish, British, Soviet and Commonwealth soldiers. Remember that movie, The Great Escape? The graves of the people on whom the movie was based lie in the Old Garrison Cemetary. Citadela is the largest park in Poznan and nearby are the Museum of Weapons and the Museum of the Poznan Army."
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