Day by day... *** Imagen & Foto | flowers, nature Fotos de fotocommunity
Day by day... *** Imagen & Foto de Kedi ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en Descubre más fotos aquí.
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Vanessa Halvorsen 03/07/2008 15:41
Amazing photo!The macro is really good, and I must say the same about the contrast and colors.
Very well done!
All the best, Vanessa.
DRAGA PUC 15/10/2007 18:43
sebastian romero 04/10/2007 0:45
The trilogy is absolutely exquisite. I wish you follow more of this changing examples of this world.Regards Sebastian
Fons van Swaal 10/09/2007 10:52
****SUPERB****Excellent macro shot , well done Kedi.....;-))
Vesela Maleeva 09/09/2007 16:01
Lovely and unusual flower shot,Excellent detail and pretty tones.
Dennis Maloney 07/09/2007 16:03
Well captured blossom...beautiful flower....regards, denDianna 06/09/2007 23:21
Bravo!We have a flower. ;-)
Canan Oner 06/09/2007 22:25
A fancy, beautiful African violet .Excellent Kedi, graet sharpness, it's amazing.
Theo Weijmer 06/09/2007 21:23
Great sharpness and detail, excellent job on the focusing.Greetings Theo
CsomorLászló 06/09/2007 21:13
*****Doug Hough 06/09/2007 16:44
A lovely flower, nicely captured.