der erfinder. Imagen & Foto | kids, people Fotos de fotocommunity
der erfinder. Imagen & Foto de Dragana B. ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en Descubre más fotos aquí.
i love this portrait! he seems to be very attentive, an eager listener, paying attention to what his imagination has to tell him ; ))! love the open smile and delight in his eyes! a great tender portrait of the little inventor! soon he's going to cry out: "eureka, i've found it!" ; )) kind regards, sabine.
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s. sabine krause 24/12/2010 12:34
i love this portrait! he seems to be very attentive, an eager listener, paying attention to what his imagination has to tell him ; ))! love the open smile and delight in his eyes! a great tender portrait of the little inventor! soon he's going to cry out: "eureka, i've found it!" ; )) kind regards, sabine.