Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Downtown (1)

in the old center of Suva

"Suva with ca. 85,700 inhabitants is the capital of Fiji since 1877 and is on the island of Viti Leva - for more info see,_Fiji

Comentarios 21

  • phonya 26/01/2013 19:33

    much to read! 'street' at its best -
    lg phonya
  • Die Mohnblumen 26/01/2013 18:35

    Eine interessante Doku, nicht schön von der Bebauung.
    Liebe Grüße
    Heike & Karl-Heinz
  • Alfred Schultz 26/01/2013 17:43

    I am sure you couldn't resist
    to go shopping there.
    Lots of needful things, indeed ;o)
    Gruss - A.
  • Claudio Micheli 26/01/2013 17:05

    Semplicemente bella!
  • Brigitte Lucke 26/01/2013 16:48

    Adele, my first thought was Vancouver close to where my friends live! Than I noticed a different architecture. That's globalization!
    Interesting. Thanks for sharing!
    Have a nice weekend
  • s. sabine krause 26/01/2013 13:16

    must have been a grand old house once… like manfred i wouldn't have thought this was fiji either – two many clichéd visions are floating through my head: coconuts, mangroves, giant shells on white beaches, manta rays, brooke shields and christopher atkins swimming naked through a blue lagoon*… ; ) come to think of it, the yizi beauty salon may just be the place, where good old chris got his spiffy 80s perm! ; )) hugs, sabine.
  • DRAGA PUC 26/01/2013 10:17

    Thanks Adele., l I guess the world is changing into a small global village. Very dynamic pic.
    nice weekend to you
  • Frederick Mann 26/01/2013 9:51

    that looks like fun...
    even I would enjoy shopping
  • Mark Billiau. 26/01/2013 9:19

    Interesting and colourful docu shot of a Suva street.

  • alberto16-menuder 26/01/2013 8:59

    brava un ottimo scatto
  • Howard Mattix 26/01/2013 7:15

    A wonderful capture of the eclectic colors, flavors and store fronts. It takes me back to street scenes from the Phllipinies and Viet Nam..
  • Manfred Jochum 26/01/2013 1:33

    Great, this rhythmic pattern and the different bright colours. So much to see - and never ever would I have associated this picture with Fiji....
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 25/01/2013 22:58

    Great view.
    Wonderful light and colours.
    Good work Adele, Vitoria

  • Joëlle Millet 25/01/2013 22:46

    C'est rempli de couleurs et de vie . J'aime beaucoup . Amitiés . Joëlle
  • Leeb Monika 25/01/2013 22:30

    Eine großartige Straßendoku mit ganz besonderer Stimmung!
    LG monika


Carpeta South Pacific
Vistas 1.086


Cámara Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objetivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diafragma 4
Tiempo de exposición 1/160
Distancia focal 6.0 mm
ISO 100