E42Scape No.4 - Icons along E 42nd Street
One of the cast iron eagles that adorn Grand Central Terminal, this one along the Park Avenue Viaduct,
leads the eye to the equally iconic Art Deco spire of the nearby Chrysler Building on this clear December night.
©2022 Steve Ember
Adele D. Oliver 16/09/2022 20:16
excellent with these two well-knnown symbols -top definition and contrasts, great nocturnal !!!
wishing you a relaxing weekend,
Ressin 26/08/2022 11:13
Eine wunderschöne s/w Fotografie, die dir bestens gelungen ist.Die s/w Kontraste sind sehr gut.
Mir gefällt deine fotografische Arbeit bestens.
GlG, Peer.