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Fajada Butte , Chaco Canyon , New Mexico

Fajada Butte , Chaco Canyon , New Mexico

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Fajada Butte , Chaco Canyon , New Mexico

Chaco Canyon was used by the Anasazi people until about 800 years ago . Current thinking is that it was only inhabited during special ceremonies and then everybody went back to small communities outside the canyon . At the top of Fajada Butte there is an observatory of sorts where light falls in special formations on the summer solstice and spring and fall equinoxes .
I used a slow shutter speed to minimize the effect of light snowfall .

Navajo kids , Chaco Canyon , New Mexico
Navajo kids , Chaco Canyon , New Mexico
Bruce Burrows

Lynney , Chaco Canyon , New Mexico
Lynney , Chaco Canyon , New Mexico
Bruce Burrows

Comentarios 2

  • Bruce Burrows 26/11/2006 19:58

    Thanks for the comment Antonio . My scanner is excellent , but trying to stay inside 150k , compression kills .
  • Antonio Amen 26/11/2006 19:37

    This is nice, but pay attemption to the DOF ( Deep of field).
    I think that you are digitalizing your photos from paper photos, and this is also a problem because they lost a lot of qualitty if the scanner is not a very good one.