Fall, Landgoed Hondsdonk, 2003 # 10 Imagen & Foto | jahreszeiten, frühling, natur Fotos de fotocommunity
Fall, Landgoed Hondsdonk, 2003 # 10 Imagen & Foto de Ilja Oblomov ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en fotocommunity.es. Descubre más fotos aquí.
Danke! But - I will continue in English - don't you think this pic (and a lot more of my other pics) is a little bit *oversharp*??? It is a problem I only have uploading fotographs at FC and I do not know what to do about it. You can look and compare the same pic at: http://www.pbase.com/image/25006869/original
Do you see the difference, do you understand what I mean? It is exactly the same pic but on Pbase it shows normally sharp and on FC oversharp. Thanks, grtz. Ilja
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Thomas Beyerlein 13/01/2004 7:01
Hallo Ilja,das Bild ist wundervoll, der geschwungene Wasserlauf mit den Spiegelungen, die herrlichen Farben...gefällt mir sehr!
Zum Thema Schärfe kann ich Dir leider auch nicht weiterhelfen....
Liebe Grüße,
Ilja Oblomov 12/01/2004 17:42
Danke! But - I will continue in English - don't you think this pic (and a lot more of my other pics) is a little bit *oversharp*??? It is a problem I only have uploading fotographs at FC and I do not know what to do about it. You can look and compare the same pic at:http://www.pbase.com/image/25006869/original
Do you see the difference, do you understand what I mean? It is exactly the same pic but on Pbase it shows normally sharp and on FC oversharp. Thanks, grtz. Ilja
Erika Wenzel 12/01/2004 17:32
Hallo Ilja,eine wunderbare Wiedergabe des Gesehenen,sehr schöne Stimmung.LG Erika