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Festung Marienberg etwas anders

Festung Marienberg etwas anders

1.788 1

Festung Marienberg etwas anders

Würzburg, Germany

The construction of the fortress began at circa 1200. Before then, the mountain was used by the Celts as a refuge and place of worship. In the 700s, the ruling bishops ordered a church to be built: the Marienkirche (Mary's Church). By the year 1253, the fortifications, keep, palace and the well of the fortress were finished and the Prince-Bishops began using it as a residence until the 18th century. The castle changed its looks many times over the centuries as many parts had been destroyed during battles, rebuilt, and added.

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Carpeta Wälder-Berge-Burgen
Vistas 1.788


Cámara DMC-TZ8
Objetivo ---
Diafragma ---
Tiempo de exposición ---
Distancia focal ---
ISO 125