frank hangs out
houston street at crosby, new york city
nikon f90x
I know the photo is not that great, technically etc, but this image speaks to me today.... huge disappointment, disbelief and suspicion fill my chest.... well, frank, I join you today in giving up for a day my hope in a better world....
Owen Noah 06/11/2004 13:54
and nobody gives a shit...just moments 04/11/2004 21:12
starkes Bild, Antonia.lg Kate
erol t. 04/11/2004 19:31
hands up ,let´s play in the streets...!!!Foto-Graf ICH 03/11/2004 19:25
Frank hung his hope on a nail, got a bellyfull of bourbon and tried to forget the terrible truth for a little while...what a demonstration!Gruß, ICH
Pit L. 03/11/2004 17:43
Ganz starkes Streetfoto!Pit