Friends In Spirit
I wish my dog took me with him, so there could be just two of us, everyday, waking up together, walking and running in the woods together, running towards each other.
Friends In Spirit
I wish my dog took me with him, so there could be just two of us, everyday, waking up together, walking and running in the woods together, running towards each other.
momentum16 - photography 25/06/2020 16:24
Hello Hans, I can understand your wish very well, since my "Micky" has not been with me since 2008 ... I cannot forget Mickey ... never. You can only understand people if they have suffered the same fate of losing an animal ... which they loved very much. It was part of yourself.I hope you are well, despite your fate and your pain. I wish you all the best, stay healthy and maybe you will have an encounter with a four-legged friend ... who can bring your luck back. I hope it for you and your future.
Greetings Walter.
Clio C. 14/06/2020 10:01
Eine sehr schöne Aufnahme von dir und deinem Freund,LG Clio
RMFoto 29/05/2020 21:03
Music for Hope- Time to say goodbye
LG Roland
† Ushie Farkas 29/05/2020 14:56
Gefällt mir SEHR GUT! Liebe Grüßecabrio2 29/05/2020 10:23
Eine schöne Fotoarbeit, HansIch wünsche dir ein schönes Pfingstwochenende und bleib gesund, lg Anton