Friendship Imagen & Foto | animals, farm animals, pets & farm animals Fotos de fotocommunity
Friendship Imagen & Foto de Majid mehraban ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en Descubre más fotos aquí.
(@for me donkeys are the most clever,
intelligent and vital creatures between
the equides. Mohammeds donkey owned
the name "Yafur". And Yafur was his
postman in his times of flight).
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Die Mohnblumen 06/03/2011 20:02
:-))) +++willy ombret 22/02/2011 16:31
très bon shootwilly ombret
Michael Grotkamp 19/02/2011 22:11
fantastic !great moment, great shot.
(@for me donkeys are the most clever,
intelligent and vital creatures between
the equides. Mohammeds donkey owned
the name "Yafur". And Yafur was his
postman in his times of flight).
kind regards,
nasim 18/02/2011 14:17
Face to face !Cheek to cheek !
Very nice moment !
Best regards,
Jigora Man 18/02/2011 13:44
Tête à Tête ++,-)))
Sally Dunn 17/02/2011 15:10
They are obviously very happy together in very close contact! A very sweet picture of these friends.Hugs
Mark Billiau. 17/02/2011 9:20
Love is in the air.......Mark
Vjdj2 17/02/2011 9:19
So sweet!!! Greetings, vjHeide G. 17/02/2011 6:58
so nice!Vera M. Shulga 16/02/2011 21:31
Great photo! I like it!JOKIST 16/02/2011 20:34
Unser KOMPLIMENT für dieses Bild !LG Ingrid und Hans
Adele D. Oliver 16/02/2011 20:02
Very sweet encounter of these two!!greetings, Adele
CsomorLászló 16/02/2011 20:00
Face to face-:))bw
Nader Pakbaz 16/02/2011 19:54
Eyes eyes