Garuda image in full splendor
This colourful masterpiece was a wooden carved sculpture sold to tourists for a good price.
The Balinese people are very creative and it seems they can make anything that comes to mind. For centuries they are trained in making the most beautiful pieces of handicrafts for the temples and palaces of their kings.
Garuda bird is the symbol of Indonesia and most used for handicraft products. Its is a legendary bird or bird-like creature in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain mythology.
This photo was captured during my visit on Bali in 2001 with a CANON A-1 camera and a KODAK Ektachrome 50 ASA slidefilm. Scanned with a NIKON CoolScan V ED.
Matthias Krug-Bamberg 08/11/2018 12:41
Sehr beeindruckend!HG Matthias