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Goal tender in action

Goal tender in action

1.762 2

Goal tender in action

By Czech Extraliga Ice Hockey in Czech republik. Mr. Franěk - Slavia Praha.

Comentarios 2

  • Mark Johnston 17/03/2006 18:41

    Wow, great capture. It took a mintue for me to find the puck, nice save!
  • Katerina Zumrová 13/03/2006 15:00

    sqelej záber...byla sem na zápase proti Pardubicím-dobrej match...akorát sem se dostala do spatnýho kotle-hned vedle pardubickýho...koukali tam na nás docela divne ;-)
    snad budou dalsí takovýhle fotecky...
    Katerina :-)