A pic of The Great Falls in Washington. Taken last January during my short visit with my buddy, Shikhei Goh, who won the 2011 NatGeo Photo Contest.
A pic of The Great Falls in Washington. Taken last January during my short visit with my buddy, Shikhei Goh, who won the 2011 NatGeo Photo Contest.
Lanti 29/12/2012 20:17
A successful admission,the exposure duration is very well selected.
Pleases me well.
Many greetings from Lanti
Benjamin Z 02/09/2012 1:02
very nice !!James Duta 01/09/2012 12:15
Thank you evryoneInez Correia Marques 26/08/2012 10:22
Lovely!! like it a lotIrene und Nadine 22/08/2012 13:09
Great!LG Irene und Nadine
James Duta 22/08/2012 11:52
Thank you EvelinaUEvelina 22/08/2012 11:50
perfect..i like this