Gwithian Godrevy Lighthouse 4 | Great Britain
This old and stunning lighthouse architecture at the shore of south-west cornwall in the United Kingdom, developed in a b&w landscape long exposure, is brought to you by Jack the Flipper! Smooth surface textures and rugged rocks gives you the feeling of having been there yourself.
Photos are like good stories, there is always an adventure or feeling to be told. And if you wondering what moves and watches you, from the waters while taking landscape shots, hours by hours, you soon realize that you’ve been watched and „stalked“ by the Godrevy seals:)
Nature is our Mainspring!
Jack the Flipper
Jack the Flipper 31/01/2015 15:20
Super, Danke Jörg für Deinen Kommentar!:)Freut mich zu hören das es Dir so gut gefällt!
Beste Grüße
Jörg aus Brakel 19/01/2015 23:09
Klasse Foto. Wirkt sehr stark. Man nimmt den Blick nur ungern wieder von weg.Gruß Jörg
tommY s. 23/09/2014 20:10
+Jack the Flipper 20/09/2014 15:49
Vielen Dank:) Tom!Wir wünschen ein schönes Wochenende!
Beste Grüße
Tomsolo 18/09/2014 19:37
Tolles stimmiges S/W Bild.Die Langzeitbelichtung gibt dem Foto die nötige Ruhe.
sG Tom