| hands | Imagen & Foto | abstract, miscellaneous, subjects Fotos de fotocommunity
| hands | Imagen & Foto de Matthias Moritz ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en fotocommunity.es. Descubre más fotos aquí.
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David Arduini 06/01/2016 0:04
Great color and futuristic, but the hands make it.Jim McKinniss 03/10/2015 19:10
Excellent photo with a reality twist.Jim
Gabriele Gatta 20/01/2015 11:54
very nice!Laszlo Hopp 17/08/2014 23:41
Simple and intriguingtoooomelo 13/07/2014 18:23
Super!John Doddato 21/12/2013 8:34
This is very abstract. I like it.Berthold Klammer 23/03/2013 15:27
The hands are the kick! Of course this artwork itself is worth a shot... But you compose it in a perfect manner!!!!!regards Berthold
Christiane Wüllner 23/01/2013 8:56
Klasse!Liebe Grüsse von Christiane
pvalex 29/10/2012 19:29
I like it!reli 12/10/2012 21:28
very good idea !jim007 27/09/2012 3:35
Fantastic shot! The hands and color contrast make it perfect!Jim
Laszlo Hopp 26/09/2012 20:58
Simple but intriquing subject.Dragomir Vukovic 26/09/2012 7:58
excellent !!!MIROSLAV JOVANOVIKJ 16/09/2012 13:22
A nice idea and composition,Compliments for having a fine eye...
Regards, Miroslav
Deryck 06/09/2012 21:43
Great! A very well composed scene and I like the hands in there tooDeryck