2.682 4

Esther Scheelings

Free Account, Castricum

Comentarios 4

  • Sergio Pessolano 05/06/2006 23:02

    Very delicate image improved by the use of the DOF.
  • Karin D. Ludwig 05/06/2006 21:29

    Very lovely Esther. A photo that hit my eye and heart right away!
    Hopefully Nova is well!!!!??

    @Cees - they are commonly called Bleeding Hearts in the US, unfortuntely I don't know the botanical term.
  • Cees Kuijs 05/06/2006 16:05

    Dicentra, I think that`s the real name of them.
    Good capture.
    Greetings, Cees
  • Theo Weijmer 05/06/2006 13:41

    Nice macro