Those who know me and my style of photography are probably a bit surprised about this photo. Background is that some time ago my daughter had a one week stay in Luxemburg and picking her up, my wife and I made a walk through Luxemburg city. Down at the river bank (in the centre of the city!) I discovered this "guy"....
mike snead 21/05/2010 11:14
perfection personified.mike
Ayse Nalan Yasin 08/05/2010 16:55
Beautiful portrait and beautiful presentation BertholdGreetings Ayse
Dragomir Vukovic 29/04/2010 18:40
^^^JESUS MARTIN HERNANDEZ 16/04/2010 13:31
Fabulosa y bella imagen con un gran colorsaludos
AGARTHAR 15/04/2010 14:25
Great picture,colors,sharpness.Very well done!Halvorsen 15/04/2010 12:07
Superb portrait! Very well captured :-))Best wishes, Vanessa.
Michael Grotkamp 14/04/2010 23:40
perfect !regards,
Inez Correia Marques 14/04/2010 20:40
Wow!Beautiful portrait . A great photo Berthold
My compliments