High Road
Arthur's Pass.
New Zealand. South Island Feb. 2005
Arthur's Pass
Wayne Tsipouras
High Road
Arthur's Pass.
New Zealand. South Island Feb. 2005
Arthur's Pass
Wayne Tsipouras
Max Sgarbi 20/05/2007 3:25
A highway to heaven?? Fantastic and mystic scenery...nice picture, congratulations! Thanks for your comment.Luigi Masini 03/08/2006 21:00
Hi Wayne ,a lot interesting this image of the high road that enters in the fog.
bye Luigi
Tina Hubrich 11/06/2006 8:34
This foggy weather is perfekt for the ghost tour in Port Arthur.....Good picture
Camil Mihaescu 20/01/2006 12:29
nice atmosphere captured on this photo.Camil
ewaldmario 04/01/2006 0:05
fine mystic picture ...Kenny Jazz 15/12/2005 14:50
Somewhere very far from us - possibly in another reality. Bridge and foggy weather creating perfect atmosphere of mystical surround. I love this kind of places. Just trying to imaginate how it was before bridges time.You remind me my childhood when we were in mountains with a parents and once i almost get losted in much more terrible fog... Now there is inaccessible area...
Matthias Dresden 08/12/2005 21:28
it looks cold and uncomfortable. but just the imagination of driving through new zealand's amazing scenery even makes this picture greatRobert L. Roux 06/12/2005 16:57
A magic! bridge ...Holiday greetings from a little;) to the north
Katrin Steiner 06/12/2005 9:27
I´ve been there, too. That was end of january and we had boiling hot weather...my car nearly "passed out" on the steep ascends.Amazing that you had this helluva weather just a few days later...
Cheers, Kat