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Himmelspagode chinese restaurant in Berlin

Himmelspagode chinese restaurant in Berlin

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Himmelspagode chinese restaurant in Berlin

Himmelspagode chinese restaurant in Berlin
Processing method: Photoshop & Lumance masking
No. of Exposures: 6EV
Range: -3,-2,-1,0,+1,+2
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 100
Camera: Canon 60d
Plugins: Nik Color Efex for detail
Luminance Masks: yes

Additional information:
There was one thing i did not like about the image and that was the road ( you cannot see it because i added the reflection look ).
I have created the "Reflection Look" so that it looks like there was water in front of the restuarant.


Comentarios 6

  • mercee 04/07/2013 8:47

    Danke Rudi

  • Rudolf R. 03/07/2013 20:15

    Wunderbar gelöst das Straßenproblem :-)
    Ist echt ein tolles Bild ! Respekt !
    lg Rudi
  • mercee 02/07/2013 12:23

    thank you...

    @Carola.. yes, you are absolutely right. :-D

    and by the way.. Berlin to Baveria Munich me too ;-)
  • C.Gaudl 02/07/2013 12:11

    Hi, the Himmelspagode is not in Berlin. It is Hohen Neuendorf in the north of Berlin. I moved from there to
    Bavaria and I love to see your picture. You`re right, the street is uggly but, the colours are beautifull.
    VG Carola
  • Zupographics 02/07/2013 10:20

    Man muss nur Ideen haben. In diesem Fall auch noch sehr gut umgesetzt. Wobei ich mich frage, ob der Sternenhimmel echt ist.
  • romuald S. 02/07/2013 9:56

    Sehr schönes Motiv...klasse Spiegelung,Bea Top.

    VG Romuald