HUMMINGBIRD Imagen & Foto | animals, zoos, parks & falconries, birds Fotos de fotocommunity
HUMMINGBIRD Imagen & Foto de SERGIO DE AZEVEDO ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en Descubre más fotos aquí.
Shimon, it's not fair to freeze all feathers 'cos it looks unnatural...Anyway I must tell you that it was frozen by flashlight instead of high speed...
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SERGIO DE AZEVEDO 26/12/2005 21:21
Shimon, it's not fair to freeze all feathers 'cos it looks unnatural...Anyway I must tell you that it was frozen by flashlight instead of high speed...Sergio
Cees Kuijs 24/11/2005 9:59
Very nice picture. Well captured.Greetings, Cees
Jacqueline Chay 24/11/2005 9:49
wow, so hard to catch, nice get.Regards Jackie
Dragomir Vukovic 24/11/2005 4:01
excellent eye with you