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if you can pretend that you're forgiving me

if you can pretend that you're forgiving me

478 1

miss jacobs

Free Account, büxen

if you can pretend that you're forgiving me

I would like to visit you for a while
get away and out of this city
maybe I shouldn't have called
but someone had to be the first to break
we can go sit on your back porch
relax, talk about anything, it won't matter
I'll be couraegous if you can pretend that you're forgiving me

'cause I don't know you anymore
I don't recognize this place
the picture of frames has changed
and so has your name
we don't talk much anymore
we keep running from the pain
but what I wouldn't give to see your face again

I don't know you anymore // savage garden

Comentarios 1

  • Thomas Bindreiter 20/08/2006 22:46


    leider fällt mir etwas der kontrast und die schärfe, aber das ist bekanntlich geschmackssache

    ansonsten find ichs sehr gut