I'm just a Girl...
"....One of the greatest mysteries, you'll find in this world
I'm not hard to handle, I'm just a girl.."
The world was different then...Although with Army boots and a baseball bat, you draw your own conclusions!
Personally, I wasn't letting her get too close... :-))
Klaus-Günter Albrecht 31/03/2009 21:00
You do want to be hit by her merely mentally, I bet.KR Klaus
STEFAN - ERIK IBOUNIG Photographie 10/01/2009 12:38
Klasse Ideein Outfit und Posing
Finde ich richtig klasse
Mathias Basten 06/01/2009 19:10
Take care...:)Nice snapshot. Unfortunately she doesn´t look into the camera.
Pascal Viyer 19/11/2008 10:20
Fine interrogationp^v
KasiaDesign 12/11/2008 22:19
Looks a tough lass, but you need to be self-assured in this world. Good shot! KathrynVesela Maleeva 09/11/2008 15:04
Respect and a smile ,-)Greetings, Ves
Corigent Corifeu 03/11/2008 23:50
YOOOY, super cuuL† Monika Jennrich 02/11/2008 20:38
Moin Wayne,ein gutes Foto!
Das junge Mädchen kommt sich wohl schick vor .... bequem mag es ja sein :-)
Lieben Gruß Monika.
Klaus Peschke 01/11/2008 22:42
Sehr gutes Foto!lgKlaus
Rob Brydon 01/11/2008 22:28
Girls just wanna have fun Wayne, but this one looks like she means business. She may have an intense dislike of photographers ;-))No, she looks harmless to me but who the hell knows what these lovely creatures think. Nice shot and caption....cheers..Rob
Alexandra Baltog 01/11/2008 17:36