in my pocket...
I really wish that you were smaller
not just small but really really short
so I could put you in my pocket
and carry you around all day
in my pocket...
I really wish that you were smaller
not just small but really really short
so I could put you in my pocket
and carry you around all day
Denise Blume 21/07/2011 11:49
I Like..!!finde das bild voll niedlich :)
Archery Mirko 07/05/2011 13:45
Hallo Prinzessin Sinnlos,leider wirkt Dein Photo durch den Hintergrund ein wenig unruhig.
Die Engelsdame hast Du durch den Scharfeverlauf genial herausgestellt.
Ansonsten Alles in Allem ein himmlisch kuscheliges Bild.
Schöne Grüsse aus Bremen