Inspired by Music
23.09.2012. Perfect for the traditional "Oktoberfest Costume and Riflemen's Parade" through the streets of Munich.
Dedicated to the musician who stopped near me for a few minutes and who was very willing to suggest photo motifs such as the spine of his music book:-) Although he didn’t expect me to focus manually due to the Lensbaby. Thank you very much and Prost!
Location: Munich, Bavaria, Germany.
Nikon D7000, Lensbaby Composer Pro, double glass optic, f/8 aperture disk, tele-adapter. Manual focus. Captured in RAW.
KasiaDesign 15/10/2012 20:43
@Holger, merci:-)@J.u.J. danke - übrigens Freunde haben am Wochenende die "Zeltdachtour" gemacht und waren begeistert - der Tipp stammt indirekt von Euch:-)
@Klaus, danke - es freut mich, dass es Dich anspricht!
Klaus Degen 15/10/2012 0:05
Gute Idee und ein schönes Spiel mit der Schärfe/Unschärfe....lg Klaus
J. Und J. Mehwald 11/10/2012 22:53
Da steckt Musik drin!Klasse festgehalten.
HG von Jutta und Jürgen.
Holger Hasiewicz 11/10/2012 12:36