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Jo no t'espere! - I do'nt wait for you!

Jo no t'espere! - I do'nt wait for you!

1.511 12

Josep A. Collado

Premium (World), València

Jo no t'espere! - I do'nt wait for you!

coincidint amb la visita del Papa, en molts balcons de València penjaren aquest cartell....

coinciding with the visit of the Pope, in many balconies of Valencia they hanged this poster...

Comentarios 12

  • Josep Gil 27/07/2006 1:42

    Aquesta va ser una imatge prou repetida a València, ja no per al que representa o qui siga, si no per les despeses que han suposat la visita.
  • Sven Pfeiffer 20/07/2006 4:27

    Bravo !!!
  • Uli Brennemann 19/07/2006 21:44

    jo tampoc ell esperava. No calia......
    no ens aporta res, o?????
    Bona nit des d`aqui, Uli
  • Véronique Soulier 18/07/2006 8:32

    beyong the nice blue.. interesting witness on what is going in your country.. thanks for explanations amitiés Véronique
  • Inez Correia Marques 16/07/2006 17:55

    Very nice foto
  • Cees Kuijs 15/07/2006 12:40

    Good composition and fine colors. Great.
    Greetings, Cees
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 15/07/2006 5:33

    I see. Such an issue happens occasionally somewhere else too. Things of any religion really shouldn't be supported by a large number of national budget which is actually from people, in doing so their holyness reduces.
  • M. Eloy Werthmüller Ortiz 15/07/2006 1:11

    Que bueno..ya que toda la ciudad estaba loca por ver al papa, parece que hubo unos poco que lo veían de otra forma......suena como Asterix y Obelix...toda Galia pertenecía a Roma, toda ? no, excepto un pequeño pueblo...jejeje

    Un abrazo

    M. Eloy
  • Heidi Schade 14/07/2006 22:23

    muy interesante expresión. Si, el Papa no lo tuvo muy fácil en España. pero me parece bien, que cada uno tenga su opinión.
  • PINDORIUS 14/07/2006 21:02

    dificil de veure, ...
  • Josep A. Collado 14/07/2006 17:47

    Anastasya: I think that the reason is in the politicians who govern Valencia, the city as well as the region. They are governing in a so ultra-conservative way, so extremely anti-social than while, for example, in the recent visit of the Pope they have spent, only in television broadcasting, 30 million Euros (more than a thousand million roubles) we have suffered recently a severe accident of Metro, with 42 deaths, for not having applied a system of being stopped automatic more modern in a line where, insistently, the users complained about its state.
    As the slogan of welcome to the Pope was "We wait you" (and, from a lot of time before it was already for all the city), many citizens, even catholics, have improvised this way to protest.
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 14/07/2006 16:58

    Why say that? Any reason?