The first photograph from "Children from Mahakam River", a series that depict the daily life of people near the Mahakam River (the biggest river in Indonesia)
Location: Mahakam River, Samarinda, East Borneo, Indonesia.
Jenny Theobald 17/11/2007 12:50
well done! respect :)Tamara Trejo 23/09/2007 18:29
It's all in the timing. Good shot. TTGiorgos Fidanas 19/09/2007 19:11
Great shot, bravo.Josep A. Collado 19/09/2007 14:38
just at the right moment!well taken.
felidae. 19/09/2007 12:02
really great shot!Mircea Tiron-Tudor 19/09/2007 11:40
Great moment ! Good shot !Regards, Mircea
Doug Hough 19/09/2007 1:18
Great capture, well done!