"Khmer" Imagen & Foto | portrait, woman, cambodia Fotos de fotocommunity
"Khmer" Imagen & Foto de Tatiana Moressoni ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en fotocommunity.es. Descubre más fotos aquí.
I'm so happy my image moves something in you! :D Is the best reward for me!
I took this image in a very tiny city in Cambodia, where every aspect of the market was managed by women; from going fishing the crabs in the nearby sea, to the dealing for the best prices, the selling to the buyers and the coocking at the stands for the locals passing by...the condition of women in Asia is what moved me to tears so many times during my travels. xx
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Tatiana Moressoni 29/10/2012 16:40
I'm so happy my image moves something in you! :D Is the best reward for me!I took this image in a very tiny city in Cambodia, where every aspect of the market was managed by women; from going fishing the crabs in the nearby sea, to the dealing for the best prices, the selling to the buyers and the coocking at the stands for the locals passing by...the condition of women in Asia is what moved me to tears so many times during my travels. xx
Inez Correia Marques 29/10/2012 13:22
Looking at your photo , I can imagine so much !! great image , mouvingkiss