L i l a c (2) Imagen & Foto | nature, plants, fungi & lichens Fotos de fotocommunity
L i l a c (2) Imagen & Foto de Adele D. Oliver ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en fotocommunity.es. Descubre más fotos aquí.
each blossom of the cluster a perfect little universe unto itself – and so symmetric!! love the combination of sunkissed purple and pink in this shot, and my first thought was: "they look like sugar!" and just because i was curious i googled "candied lilacs" and they really do exist! i even found a recipe*… hugs, sabine.
A beautiful and fragrant plant, the lilac is not happy by just showing of one single flower, it showers us with a whole bunch of wonderful little flowers.
This capture shows them off in detail, a pity the smell cannot be transmitted as well.
Best regards,
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Silvana W. 09/06/2013 0:18
Great cut and edition,Adele***.Very Nice***.Compliments*Hugs
Silvia Simonato. 25/05/2013 1:27
Preciosa imagen floral, muy buena imagen!!Saludos Silvia
chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 17/05/2013 9:55
Very beautiful particolar ! bises ChantalJOKIST 17/05/2013 0:00
Ein wunderbares Foto !LG Ingrid und Hans
phonya 16/05/2013 20:23
a lovely spring-greeting card ...lg phonya
aline64 16/05/2013 18:42
excellent détail de cette petite fleur de lilasamicalement
Alfred Schultz 16/05/2013 14:36
I'd like to own a shirt in this color.So nice . . .
Gruss - A.
Claudio Micheli 16/05/2013 13:28
Bellissima immagine, davvero!Ciao
s. sabine krause 16/05/2013 9:09
each blossom of the cluster a perfect little universe unto itself – and so symmetric!! love the combination of sunkissed purple and pink in this shot, and my first thought was: "they look like sugar!" and just because i was curious i googled "candied lilacs" and they really do exist! i even found a recipe*… hugs, sabine.*just for the fun of it ; ): http://voices.yahoo.com/how-candied-lilacs-3902112.html?cat=32
Mark Billiau. 16/05/2013 8:55
Good crop, nice colours and lovely light !Mark
Susana Miguel 16/05/2013 7:31
A beautiful and fragrant plant, the lilac is not happy by just showing of one single flower, it showers us with a whole bunch of wonderful little flowers.This capture shows them off in detail, a pity the smell cannot be transmitted as well.
Best regards,
MICHAEL stüben 16/05/2013 7:30
Ein gelungener Bildaufbau...alles sieht so zart und fein aus
Gruß Michael
Vitória Castelo Santos 15/05/2013 23:43
Very nice picture Adele.Bravo
adriana lissandrini 15/05/2013 23:10
Magnificent close-up, Perfect focus, wonderful colors and light, beautiful blurred, I like it, Adelehugs, Adriana
Sanja Kukor 15/05/2013 22:22