La Pedamentina
La Pedamentina with its 414 steps is a system of descents and steps dating back to the fourteenth century and built by the architects Tino di Campiono and Francesco de Vito.
The descent was intended to connect two different areas of the city of Naples, namely the Certosa di San Martino and the Castel S. Elmo, located on the hill of the Vomero district, and the historic center, located downstream. Basically, these are pedestrian connection streets between areas of the city affected by expansions outside the moenia, mainly attributable to those that occurred during the sixteenth century.
The climb was also used for defensive purposes in the event of sieges of the nearby Castel S.Elmo.
Along the Pedamentina it is possible to admire not only the panorama of the gulf, but also the gardens and gardens of the Charterhouse. As well as the multiple stairways of the city of Naples, it is today considered an urban masterpiece.
Jürgen Hamela 04/12/2021 0:26
Perfekt in der Bildgestaltung. Sehr gut gezeigt.Gruß
Gisela57 28/06/2020 16:45
Wonderful point of view ... you show the altitude difference between the districts of Naples very impressively. I think nowadays Castel S. Elmo has a spectacular view on the ocean of houses, but you have to work for it. :-)Best wishes, Gisela
Thomas Tilker 19/06/2020 10:52
Beneidenswert, wer dort wohnt...LG Thom
Sesostris 18/06/2020 16:30
Questa è una vista meravigliosa in e sulla città. Ottima prospettivaI migliori saluti
Renato T. 16/06/2020 10:14
Uno scorcio incantevole!Ciao
Giorgio Montani 13/06/2020 16:18
Sembra quasi una pista da toboga! Quella casa sulla sinistra la invidio molto per la vista che offre sulla città!Sonja Grünbauer 13/06/2020 16:16
Beautiful area....and a great view. Well seen. Gr SonjaRalf M. B. 13/06/2020 14:40
Herrliche Fotografie mit viel Weitsicht. Hier passt alles, auch die Details, wie die beiden leuchtenden Lampen.Ewa.P 13/06/2020 10:29
Bellissimo scorcio,super la prospettiva,una vista davvero spettacolare,complimenti e buon fine settimana,ciao,ewaSINA 13/06/2020 9:05
Atmosphärisch ganz wundervoll welch schöner Blick durch den Weg auf die StadtMalerisch geradezu
Nice Weekend
Herzliche Grüße von Sina
Carlo Schicchio 13/06/2020 7:35
La strda stretta e caratteristica ci guida verso un ottimo panoramaimmagine molto caratteristica Carlo
ElyGE 13/06/2020 1:35
Mi fa pensare alle creuze genovesi che dalle alture scendono verso il mare, offrendo splendide vedute della città... Bello scorcio, buona definizione e piacevoli cromielucy franco 12/06/2020 23:02
una cartolina meravigliosa che racconta, attraverso prospettiva e colori, Napoli e i suoi inconfondibili panorami.JOKIST 12/06/2020 22:36
BQ und Bildaufbau vom FeinstemIngrid und Hans
Emilio Sirletti 12/06/2020 22:13
Una vista mozzafiato!Angoli di Napoli poco noti alla massa.
Buon fine settimana, Emilio