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Last kilometers of the Kora

Last kilometers of the Kora

7.472 4


Premium (World), Bangkok

Last kilometers of the Kora

There are still some to walk along the Lhachu river changes which became to a bigger stream until it crows to the Himalayan river Tsangpo and finally in India Arunachal Pradesh is called to the famous Brahmaputra.

My picture was captured in May 2004 with Kodachrome 25 ASA and scanned with NIKON CoolScan V ED

Comentarios 4

  • Pfriemer 08/02/2013 13:58

    thanks dear Uwe, I still use films like the Kodachrome 25 ASA for diapositive roll film in middle format 6x6. LG Wolfgang
  • Uwe Kasten 08/02/2013 13:19

    very nice photograph. nice to see the harmony of colours, shapes and proportions. must have been a nice experience to visit this place ( i consider it´s pretty remote, though ) - and done with the good old kodachrome 25. what a material, sad that it is gone now. great work, congratulations!
  • Brigitte Lucke 30/01/2013 8:47

    Ich verfolge Deine spannende Serie. Die Fotos sind sehr eindrucksvoll und interessant. Vielen Dank, dass wir Dich begleiten dürfen.
    Gruss Brigitte
  • Felixsnd 29/01/2013 16:14

    Echt klasse Foto
    gefällt mir unglaublich gut
    weiter so



Carpeta Kailash Kora
Vistas 7.472


Cámara Nikon COOLSCAN V ED
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