Light, Shadow, Form
Spend some time in Aacchen and discovered this play of light through a dorr and the resulting geometric forms of shadow
Light, Shadow, Form
Spend some time in Aacchen and discovered this play of light through a dorr and the resulting geometric forms of shadow
Claude Coeudevez 08/11/2011 16:32
well donecheers
Agelos Kardamilas 12/09/2011 21:37
!!!!!!!!Andrew J.W. 10/09/2011 18:25
Fantastic picture! Great atmosphere and beautiful crop. Geometrically perfect indeedDragomir Vukovic 09/09/2011 19:19
excellents. sabine krause 09/09/2011 9:18
an aesthetic delight for both eyes and mind! we viewers literally find ourselves at the door to a story: to enter it, we would have to follow the patterns on the floor, step across the threshold and – – be enligthened! ; )) greetings, sabine.Adele D. Oliver 09/09/2011 8:17
Very effective angle to capture the play of light and shadow ... great resulting geometrics, and great in monochrome !!!cheers, Adele
Fons van Swaal 08/09/2011 21:42
Very nice presented ......!!Excellent work..
Silvana W. 08/09/2011 20:30
Great shot**andrea aplowski 08/09/2011 20:23
Der Lichteinfall gefällt. Es scheint als wäre so alles möglich, selbst die Tür ist geöffnet.lg apoline