Lithuanian winter Imagen & Foto | critique - straight and tough, subjects Fotos de fotocommunity
Lithuanian winter Imagen & Foto de julux ᐅ Mira y evalúa la foto de manera gratuita en Descubre más fotos aquí.
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Andrea Sagawe 21/05/2008 20:39
Great shot!!Excellent b/w editing.
Perhaps would have left more space above the plants to see a little more of the sky.
julux 19/05/2008 22:02
This one together with my old good Nikon F50 - Fisheye AF Nikkor 16mm f/2.8D Autofocus LensMick K. 19/05/2008 4:22
Light, perspective, movement all in one shot. Great.marcinPajak 19/05/2008 0:16
oh man ! it's great perspective !what kind of lens do you use ?